Meet the Knight Family!

Hey! Thanks for finding us—we hope you enjoy shopping and seeing amazing things for special kiddos in your life and maybe a little something for you!I started SBK in 2019 after having my first son, Owen. I had a hard time finding him unique clothing that matched our “style”. AKA-boy friendly, tractor/animal loving, while still being adorable! Fast forward to 2024–our family has grown!

Owen (5), Rhett (3), and Quinn (Baby Girl!), Milo (7 dog years)

SBK has now expanded; we have a 30’ mobile boutique! We travel all over the midwest to different festivals and events small and large. If you ever have an event you want to see us at, just shoot us an email or dm!Fun Facts: I taught High School Agriculture for a couple years before starting our family! My husband and I both grew up on farms raising show pigs (hints the logo) and we still do with our families. Ryan and I are both super close to our family and use them as models all the time—they LOVE it. They are HUGE help with events and if you have seen the trailer or follow us on social media (Shop by Knight VIP Group on Facebook for sure!), then I am sure you have seen them!